Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Nana Week, Day 3 - Heywood Hospital

Sounds like fun already, doesn't it? Actually, most of the day was good. We spent the morning at home, doing stuff like this:

Sometime after lunch we decided to head to the mall playground since it was a cold, rainy, crappy day out. The kids played at the playground for a while (well, at least Emma did - Taye was upset that he had to take his shoes off, and Darius had been sleeping in the car, so neither one of them was very happy - thay played off and on). Emma is too cute. At one point, Penny suggested she play ring around the rosie with Taye, but he wanted no part of it. So, she grabbed some other little boy (she is NOT shy) and the two of them played happily for a while. At one point, after they 'all fell down,' I heard her ask the boy, "Whats ashes?" Later on, she just grabbed another mother's hands and started spinning her around and playing with her. It was hysterical, the mom played along, although she didn't fall down. After the playground, we had a snack at the food court, then came home.

Darius was very tired since he hadn't napped, so I got him ready for bed around 6:30. I wasn't planning on putting Taye to bed early, but he followed us into the room, so I went with it (and he fell asleep before Darius did). As I was lying there, I started to feel some cramping. I didn't think it was anything out of the ordinary. As soon as I got up, it got worse, and I realized it was hurting on the left side of my back, not my abdomen as I had thought. I didn't know what it was, and it kept getting worse. Of course Luis was at his class in NH and I couldn't reach him on his cell phone. I ended up asking mom to take me to the ER. I was in agony. The first thing they asked me was if I had ever had a kidney stone. I was so afraid that was what they would find, I can't imagine THAT pain! Long story short, it turns out I had a really bad bladder infection, which they were pretty sure they caught before it reached my kidneys. They gave me antibiotics and sent me home. I am feeling much better now. I was just so happy that the boys were sleeping and they didn't wake up while I was gone. I know from experience that Darius is inconsolable if I am not there when he wakes up, and Taye never wakes up anymore unless he is having a night terror, so that would have been bad.

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