Sunday, October 7, 2007

Nana Week, Day 2 - The Lake

After leaving Mt. Monadnock we headed to a lake that we heard had a nice view of the mountain. After a short hike through the woods (I'm sorry, the "green tunnel") we were there. It was gorgeous!

Luis, Emma, and Taye got there first, and they saw about a dozen frogs jump into the water as soon as they got close. After a short search, we found one in the water.

Luis, of course, was able to catch him (he really can do anything!)
As if the frog wasn't exciting enough, a little while later he caught a salamander. Emma saw it and said, "Its a little alligator!!!" It was so funny. The kids each took a turn holding her, and then Luis put her back in the water.
I remember catching salamanders when I was little, and they were always black (or maybe dark brown). This one was a reddish orange color, and was somewhat translucent. Luis told me on the drive home that when he worked at the lumber yard, the town was looking for volunteers to help the salamanders get across the road (we assume during a migration or something). He said it was because of their color, they wanted to protect them. I want to be a Salamander Crossing Guard, because how many people do you know who have ever been one? Anyway, back to the pond. We had a great time, Taye and Emma went fishing -

We all climbed around on the rocks -

We had so much fun that we want to go back when Fran(k) gets here. Taye and Emma raced screaming all the way back to the car (screaming together is their favorite game).
Near the parking lot was a nice spot for attempt #2 at a group shot. This rock was smaller, there was less room for them to maneuver and try to escape. It was perfect - it worked (insert evil laugh here.)

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