Wednesday, October 3, 2007


So while we were at the playground yesterday, Jean made endless fun of Darius' "bowl cut." Like she's some whiz with the scissors. It was getting pretty long, so last night I grabbed the scissors and started cutting. Luis felt the sides needed more trimming, so while I was out he grabbed the clippers, and made his first haircutting attempt. You could say it was a group effort. I'm sure it will look great when it grows out a little. And honestly, I think we could do anything to him, and he would still be one of the cutest kids ever!
The lighting isn't so great, but here you go:


Unschoolers Rock the Campground said...

Ok, now...lets clarify this, please. Yes, I did comment on his hair in a teasing fashion. HOWEVER, I also readily admitted that one of my children (who shall remain nameless) has got a very interesting hairdo as well. I take issue with the comment that I teased endlessly. I think you are taking advantage of a bit of exaggeration there.
Having said all of that, I would agree that no matter what, he is always adorable. Thanks for cutting his hair, though. He really needed it!

Mama said...

Exaggeration?? Moi?