Monday, February 16, 2009

Tagged Again

Jean tagged me for a game. The rule is to open your sixth folder of pictures, select the sixth picture in it, post and blog about it here.

My pictures are obsessively organized into folders, inside folders, inside folders, so I had a bit of a challenge doing this. I have a folder from each year from 2005-2009, and inside those I have additional folders for months, and then some of those have folders from special occasions. I finally decided to open the first folder in each year, and pick the sixth picture from that folder. So, I have for you a plethora of pictures. Come travel back in time with me :o)


This was just last month. Luis took the boys outside to play in the snow. He's a much nicer parent than I am in that way. Taye had just become obsessed with Frosty the Snowman and was so excited to make their own snowman. This guy stuck around for a long time. He has since melted, but Taye is confident he will be back. Its only February, so I'm sure he's right.


Last year, Tia and I got this brilliant idea to go out together. Luis, the boys, and I went over their house. We left Matt and Luis (daddies of the year) at the house with the four kiddos, and went out just the two of us. It was so, so, so much fun! We basically drove around for hours, talking and laughing, just like we always used to. Somehow we have always been able to have the best times together, even doing nothing. We took this driving over the Zakim bridge.


Here are the boys at the toy museum in Rochester. We drove out there for a weekend to visit some friends from our message board. We had such a great time. Taye, in particular, did not want to leave this giant train table. The struggle to move on was actually the inspiration for this train table!


This is big brother Taye on the day that Darius was born. He was hanging out with us at the hospital, playing with the Dorsey's and the new puzzle they brought him (which we still have). I can't get over how little he was, and a big brother already. It seems like such a long time ago, we have been through a lot since then.


Ah, I got to save the best for last. This picture is not actually from 2005, but from about 2001/2002. The folder I found it in was called "Happy Anniversary" and is full of pictures I used in a slideshow I made Luis as an anniversary gift one year.
The story:
The first year that I went to Peru, we had a party one night at our house for all our friends. We decided to put on a show for them, since they had been performing for us all week. That year there were 10 girls in our group, and only 4 guys. The girls decided to choreograph a dance to a Britney Spears song, but the boys didn't want to do it. They told us they'd come up with their own performance, and we left it at that. Well, they basically borrowed dresses, and danced around to "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." It was a big hit, and they got almost as many hoots and whistles as the girls did.
Fast forward to the next year, and our friends above (Renzo - Danny - Luis - Victor) told us that they had a show for us. They turned on some sexy Spanish song, and came strutting down the stairs in mens dress clothes. They paused on the landing that you can see behind Renzo and Danny's heads, and proceeded to perform a strip-tease. Meanwhile, Fr. John, the priest in charge nearly died of a massive heart attack. Underneath their clothes, the guys had on dresses, and when they got down to them, the music changed to "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and they began skipping and prancing around. It was, without a doubt, my favorite performance ever. I would pay good money for a videotape of it, and am just glad that I at least have these pictures to hang over their heads forever. :o)
This was so fun. I am supposed to tag six other people, but as I've said I don't read that many blogs.

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