Sunday, February 1, 2009

Picky Pants

Years and years ago, my mom taught me how to knit. Just knit, nothing fancy, not even a purl. She tried to teach me those things, but I resisted. I watched her knit, and heard her talk about counting stitches and rows, and after all that, having to rip out big chunks of work when she noticed a mistake. I swore I had no interest in ever following a pattern, it seemed like way too much work.

Then one day, just before Christmas, I was reading SouleMama's blog, and I saw these. Picky pants. I don't know if it was just the yummy baby toes in the last picture (I am a sucker for those, after all), but for whatever reason I wanted them. Mya needed them. I could not get them out of my head. I told mom (maybe 10 days before Christmas?) that she needed to knit them for Mya as a Christmas present. I was only half joking. Finally, I caved. I bought the pattern. I learned how to knit for real. I had mom and Kathy at the ready to answer questions, and I discovered that YouTube has an endless number of knitting how-to videos. Since I tended to knit late at night, that was mostly how I learned.

I got all the way down to the crotch of the pants, it took me three late nights of knitting. I showed them to Luis, and he asked why they were twisted. I told him they just looked twisted on the needles, but they would be fine once I took them off. Then I looked again. I was wrong. They were completely twisted around themselves, and I had to rip the whole thing out. I didn't touch them again for almost two days. It took me about a week to finish after I started up again.
Mya was nice enough to model them for me today, I love them!


Anonymous said...

WOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW lady you are good! That's your first project and they look perfect! They look beautiful and so does she!

Penny Lane said...

Ok, that was just so damn cute I could DIE! I wish I could knit!!!