Monday, February 9, 2009

Maybe winter can be fun...

every once in a long while, anyway.

Saturday we all went out to a winter carnival. We invited lots of people to join us, but the party poopers didn't want to, so we had fun all by ourselves! The first thing we saw when we got there was a fire truck. We're experienced carnival/festival/fair goers by now, and the boys have done the fire truck thing to death, but this one had something new. There were little firemen hanging off the front, and the kids had to figure out how to make them move up the string. Taye thought it was pretty funny.

They cleared off a patch of the pond, and kids were skating all over. The boys don't have skates, but that didn't stop Taye (does anything?) He and Luis had a blast playing on the ice. Darius made one attempt, but he started to slip and decided he was done with the ice. He is so my kid!

Mya wasn't so sure about all this cold nonsense either.

They had two fires burning on the beach, which I was excited about. We tried more than once, but couldn't get the boys to sit by them with us, because they were too hot. OK, so not my kids! It was all good though, since Dunkin' Donuts was there, generously giving away hot chocolate to keep us all warm.
There were food vendors all over, but as I mentioned, we've done this quite a few times before. We brought our own dinner, and had a nice picnic. Thought we did splurge on fries (and dessert, duh.)

While I took Mya back to the car to eat the boys went over to the playground. They were far too busy sculpting to bother with the actual playground equipment.

When I got back, I noticed that there was something fun going on at the top of the hill. We decided to go check it out. On the walk over, the boys noticed the snowball toss games, and had to give it a try (aka stand in everyone else's way for a few minutes...)
We got to the top of the hill in time to see my favorite part - the fire spinners (I'm not a pyro - you are!) This show was so cool, unfortunately we only saw the last few minutes.

We had so much fun. On the way home, I asked the boys what their favorite part was. Taye's answer? Going to the bathroom. Apparently the porta-potty was a real thrill.

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