Monday, February 9, 2009

Knitting Mania

Ever since I started those pants, I can't seem to stop knitting. Shortly after I got the pants pattern, I also found this pocket gnome pattern from Dragon Fly's Hollow. Admittedly, the ones for sale in her store are much nicer than mine, but this was my first attempt.

This pattern gave me an idea, and I decided to make a doll with it. I basically just knit the gnome entirely in cream. I then went on to make some clothes for him. He is going to a little girl who we were matched with in a gift exchange. These pants are my favorites.

And in case he gets cold, he has his warm winter outfit.

I was also so excited to get started on some Picky Pants (or shorts, to be exact) for Tia's baby. She picked the prettiest yarn for them. It looks so much nicer in real life, it is like sunshine, the colors are beautiful. Anyway, I'm sure these will look much nicer on the real baby, but this will have to do for now, since Mya is too big to model these ones (*sniff, sniff*).

I have about a million other projects in mind as well...somebody stop me! (Not really, I'm having too much fun.)


me said...

YOU KICK ARSE BYOTCH!!!! Your knitting is FAB!!! LOVE THE DOLL - I have a teddy bear pattern if you would like to see it? I can get a copy to rue I think you would like it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 'me' (it took me way too long to realize who you were - I'm slow). I'd love to see the teddy bear pattern if you think of it sometime.

Unschoolers Rock the Campground said...

Amy, I love the new banner. So cute.
I tagged you on my blog. Go see.