Sunday, January 20, 2008

San Bartolo

Last Monday, we took the boys to the beach in San Bartolo.  It is one of my favorite places in the world.  The first time I went to Peru by myself to see Luis, I stayed with our friends Ana and Beto.  Ana's sister was renting a beach house in San Bartolo that week, and we stayed there with her family.  The house was so crowded that Luis and Beto had to sleep on the living room floor, but it was worth it (I can say that because I had a bed!)  Anyway, it was a great week, and we always talked about getting back there.  The house where we stayed is the white one at the bottom of this hill on the left, not a bad location!


We took a boat ride one afternoon with Ana and Beto, which is where we took one of my favorite pictures of the two of us.


And here we are in front of the church up the street with Ana, her sister, and her niece.


It was so nice to be able to go back with the boys.  We took Jesus with us too.  On our way out, we asked him to take a picture of the four of us in this same spot.

Peru 720

It was a gorgeous sunny day, perfect beach weather.  Jesus has a blast, I don't think he stopped smiling the whole time. 

Peru 687

Peru 700

Neither of the boys wanted to go in the water.  Taye would venture down to the edge, and then run away when the waves came in.

Peru 693

Darius had a lot of fun in the sand.  Luis and Jesus started burying themselves, and he couldn't wait to join in.

Peru 704

Peru 703

Peru 708

Peru 718

In the end, he won the "Sandiest Kid" contest - the grand prize was a nakey dip in the Pacific Ocean.

Peru 710

Jesus won second place - his prize was a cold shower at home.  :o)

Peru 711

Taye had the most fun with the spray bottle we bought on the way over (I had a hunch he would like it).

Peru 716

We stayed for a few hours, and then got cleaned off for the bus ride home.  We left feeling happy and relaxed, and beach-sleepy.  It was a good day.

Peru 724

1 comment:

Penny Lady said...

Amy! It looks like you've lost even more weight! I am SO PROUD of you...(Hey, even if the weight was lost just because you were stuck in Peru I am STILL proud of you! LOL)