Thursday, January 10, 2008

Needle Felting in Peru

12/31/2007 4:46pm

Today I was in desperate need of a mental break.  For some reason homesickness suddenly hit me and I was having a really hard time dealing with all the changes and stress.  So I decided to lose myself in my new favorite hobby.  I didn't want to leave the boys alone, so I brought all my supplies outside.  Needless to say it called the kids attention.  I was instantly surrounded by several of my nieces and nephews who wanted to know what I was doing.  My niece somehow knew that I was making a doll.  After a while a couple of the kids joined in and we all enjoyed some needle felting together.  I was pretty impressed with the finished products.

 Peru 121

Peru 122

For the record, this is the doll I was making.  :o)

 Peru 139

Alex displaying her doll and mine (they were all nice enough to point out that mine had no eyes or mouth and hers did).

Peru 141

Leo was working on one too, but I don't know what became of it.  After they were done Alex somehow got hold of a lighter and firecracker and was planning on sending her doll for a ride.  Mean Tia Amy (haha) asked Luis if the adults knew she had those things, and the next thing I knew her mom was out to stop them.  I guess its a good thing the kids don't speak English, so they'll never know I tattled.  :o)

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