Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Fun Continues...

*insert sarcasm here*

First let me say that overall we have been having a great trip.  Its so nice to see Luis' family, and the kids are having fun playing with their cousins (most of the time) and riding around on buses and mototaxis.  But there have just been some frustrations that were not anticipated, and they are bringing us down a little bit. 

The first was the whole frustrating trip down, and the latest is that both boys are sick.  Darius has had diarrhea for about five days now, and a monstrous rash to go with it.  Taye has had it for a couple of days, and yesterday morning woke up with a fever.  I was concerned that he may be dehydrated or something, so we brought him to a clinic.  After a two-plus hour wait, we saw the doctor who checked both boys.  Taye has hated doctors since the time he went to the ER when he was a year old, and with good reason, so it was terrible for him.  Even taking his temperature was a nightmare, they had one of the old mercury ones and we had to hold it under his arm for 3-4 minutes while he screamed.  He just didn't want anyone touching him. 

The doctor said that Darius is a little dehydrated and told us to get an electrolyte drink for him, and also prescribed a cream for his rash.  He said Taye has a bad throat infection and a stomach infection.  He gave us one medication for the infection and another for the fever.  The one for the infection is gross, and we're having the worst time getting him to take it.  He seems a lot better now, the fever is gone and he is happy and playing.  We'll probably bring him to see Dr. Mele when we get home just to be sure. 

Darius' rash is apparently so bad that he is beginning to self-medicate.  :o)

Peru 489

Peru 490

1 comment:

babygirlhoarder said...

A stomach infection!? What happened? I've never heard of a stomach infection! I can't wait until I can talk to you for real and not just thru comments!!