Thursday, January 10, 2008


Baby boy to be named later (kind of anticlimactic, huh?)

We came home from the clinic on Thursday and were told that Diana had gone to the hospital again.  We didn't really get our hopes up since she had been at least 4 times since we got here.  Then they told us her water broke, so we knew the baby would be born within the next 24 hours.  Apparently he reads my blog :o)  Diana's labor didn't progress at all, so they sent her to a special maternity hospital in Lima, and her baby boy was born via c-section (almost unheard of here) around 5pm on January 3. 

We got to go and visit them today, although they don't let children into the rooms, so we had to go in shifts.  Luis and his mom went first, and Vicki and I waited with the kids (Alex and Johan came too).  Then Vicki, Luis' mom, and I all went up, and his mom came down to help Luis after bringing us to the room.  Diana looked good, and said she was feeling good.  She said the baby is very content, and hardly cries.  He is very cute.  His dad (who is a loser, and still hasn't even seen his baby...I can say that since no one in Peru will read this) wants to name him Dairon Jean-Paul.  Why, I don't know.  No one else likes it, but Diana has no other ideas either, so I have no idea what his name will be.  I guess we'll have to wait and see. 

Here is the beautiful baby:

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With his Mama:

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And Mamita:

Peru 510

And his Tio Lucho (that's Luis to the rest of us):

Peru 508

And his Tia Vicki:

Peru 538

His big sister Alex says he is a rapper:

Peru 504Peru 505 

I just think he's yummy.  He actually made me cry, thinking that he will be so big the next time we see him.  He did pee on me though, for good luck, so that was nice.  I am just happy we got to meet him before we left.  Happy Birthday Baby!

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