Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanks Tia!

As I have mentioned, I blame Tia for my recent craft obsession. Apparently she enjoyes the role. I got an email from her today with a list of homemade gift ideas for kids that she found. In case anyone is looking for an idea or 12, here is the list.

Wooden cars
Play clay and rolling pins
Waldorf doll
Memory cards with family photos
Crayon roll-up case
Wool balls
Photo album
Wooden animals
Lacing cards
Patchwork ball
Bendie dolls
Handmade clothing
Dollhouse furniture
Personalized stationery
Craft kits
Tree fort for toys
Floor mat with a road painted on it
I Spy bottle
I Spy bag
Puppet theatre
Animal costumes
Bean bags & game for tossing
Hopscotch rug (could paint on canvas)
Play kitchen
Sock monkey
Felt food
Fleece slippers
Crayon cookies
Patterns for knit toys
Knit "little dudes"
Giant building blocks from reused cereal boxes
Plastic water bottles filled with sea shells, beads, etc.
Board book
Felt board with felt characters
Puppets and finger puppets
Stuffed animals
Doll beds and quilts for them
Bean bags
Lace up/buttons/snap dolls
Personalized ornaments
Doll tutus
Bendy doll sets
Appliqued shirts
Personalized frames
Needlefelted animals
More clothes
Fleece scarf and mitten sets
Knitted belts
Sewn purses
Embellished clothes
A rope swing
A wooden square board with 4 casters underneath
Felt boardscapes
Aprons or smocks with pockets for crayons, etc.
Cool magnets and a cookie sheet
Magic wands
Homemade play doh
Lil folk made of spools with acorns for heads, adorned in felt
Beanbags with activity cards
Dancing ribbons and a jingle bell bracelet to wear while dancing
Fleece ponchodinosaur
Crocheted animals
Interactive quilts
Lacing boards
Felt jewelry
Water color paints
Wood with nails and screws to hammer and screw
Roll up chalk boards
Doll cradle from oatmeal container
Slip n slide
Fastener board with string to tie and braid, snaps, hook and eye, buttons, buckles, velcro, frog closure, etc.
Play clothes
Doll cloth diapers
Sculpey people
Felt animals/dolls
Fabric food from 1980 McCall's Holiday pattern 7274
Sound matching game with film canisters filled with different materials (salt, rice, beans, buttons, coins, small safety pins, etc)
Box of textured fabrics for matching game
Fishing game
Frog shaped beanbags wtih lily pads to throw them onto
Ladybug beanbags
Stepping stone floor mat
Fabric tic-tac-toe game
Tangram or pentomino puzzles out of wood
Paper dolls
Canvas map of town
Bark blocks
Child sized plates to finish
Knit caterpiller
Rainbow dolls made with pipe cleaners and beads
Cloth shopping bags for "store"
Mail carrier set, with blue shirt, envelopes, cardboard boxes, stickers, markers, address labels, mail carrier bag, mail box.
Garages for toy cars out of boxes
"Superhero lair" collapsible play house
Rattle made from lentils or beans in a handled bottle
Play money
Reused bottles for grocery cart
Cake sprinkles bottle with glitter, beads, sequins, superglued tops, for shapers in play kitchen
Baby quilts and wall quilts
Winter buntingfur slippers/other sewn quilted slippers
Crocheted sweaters
Bunting dolls and waldorf dolls
Stilts made from cans
Sewing cards
Nesting cans
Dollhouse dolls and little peopledollhouse
Knitted ducks
Pop up doll (wooden dowel pushes the doll up from inside a cone)
Play scarves
A playstand
Felt board
Puzzle ball
Knitted balls
Felt patchwork balls
Memory game from lids from frozen juice cans
Magic wands
Rainbow ribbon streamers
Felt shooting stars (filled with beans and a ribbon tail)
Button spinners
Sewn Advent calendar
Doll quilt
Puppets on popsicle sticks
Pressed flowers
Bath crayons
Fabric covered foam blocks
Cloth balls
Bath boats made with Scupey clay
Wooden swing
Treasure Rocks
Stick horses
Craft or cooking apron and chef's hat

Have fun!


babygirlhoarder said...

Yahoo! I'm famous!

Donna Pool said...

I love that you included puzzle balls on that list, because that's what I make! You can check out my blog to see some and find out how to get them, too!