Thursday, November 1, 2007

Darius, Evil Genius

Evil* - 1.) In the last week and a half, he has bitten Taye hard enough to leave a bruise three times.
2.) The other day he was playing with a toy of Rebecca's. When she reached to have it back, he pulled it away and promptly said, "No, mine!"
3.) He can frequently be heard screaming, "Mine! Mine! Mine!" over and over while either trying to grab a toy away from Taye, or swatting at him to get away from one.

Genius - 1.) Today he started crying and when I picked him up he held out his foot and said, "I got boo-boo." I looked and found a splinter.
2.) Tonight while we were playing, he started patting himself on the chest and saying, "Me. Me." over and over.

*Disclaimer: I don't really think he is evil, lighten up will ya?

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