Thursday, November 8, 2007

Christmas Ideas

A few people have asked me recently for ideas for the boys for Christmas. I know I have had lots of good ones recently, but can't seem to remember them all. I'll list what I remember, and add more as I think of them. If you're worried about repeats, post a comment that you plan to buy a certain gift so no one else will, and I will promise not to read them.

*Bristle Blocks (I used to love these, and just saw them at Target.)
*A new PlayHut or kids tent, the Diego one is on its way out. PlayHut seems to be really poor quality now, so maybe not one of them, unless it is the older style.
*Some small construction type trucks. We're going to fill the sand table with beans once we move upstairs, and I thought some dump trucks, etc. would be fun to play with. Maybe something like this although they don't say how big these are, I would assume pretty small just based on the price.
*Playsilks, nevermind. I found out through the magic of messageboards that I can buy plain ones here much cheaper than the colored ones and dye them with Kool-Aid. I've already ordered a few, I'll let you all know how they turn out. :o)
*Anything that would be fun to play with on the plane to Peru (for 12+ hours). I thought of: coloring books/magazines to cut pictures out of (Taye's favorite activity), stickers, DVD's, small cars, Play-Doh, Color Wonder paper/markers, books, drinks, snacks, and of course, Benadryl (no, not really). We have some of most of these things, but a variety can't hurt.

I know there are more that I thought of, but this is it for now. Well, except that I want this - I'm an 'older child' you know! :o)

1 comment:

Penny Lady said...

Those connectigon thingies look SOOOO COOOL...I'll get your kids some if you get my kid some! LOLOL

jk! LOL