Monday, November 3, 2008

Tonight Mya was having one of her crying jags. I was trying to calm her while simultaneously helping Taye with the toilet. At one point, I heard a sucking noise and looked down to see this:

What is it that makes thumb-sucking so achingly adorable? It instantly melted me, and I had to run for the camera. I may live to regret it someday, but right now I am happy with any self-soothing she can manage, as Mama-soothing is just not working (plus it is just so cute!)


Flabbergasted said...

That's so adorable.

babygirlhoarder said...

Why would you regret self-soothing?

Mama said...

I just meant if she sucks her thumb until she's 20 or something.

babygirlhoarder said...

Haha well I guess I'm in the same boat ...hee hee
It looks so cute :) And glad she's a little happier. Sounds like her and Eva might be twins or something!