Sunday, November 23, 2008

That darn sleeper

So the other night, as I mentioned, Darius told me his sleeper wasn't working. Thursday night, he went to bed as usual, but woke up around 10:30pm and came into my room. I was still up, attempting to write, and told him he could lie in my bed with me. I assumed he would fall back asleep relatively quickly. Instead, he was still awake at midnight when Luis got home. Luis brought Darius back into his room, read him stories, and tried to get him back to sleep. At around 1am, Darius decided he had had enough of that, and came back into my room. Eventually he fell asleep, only to wake up for the day at about 5am. At some point in the night he told Luis that his sleeper was lost.

As I was cleaning the kitchen around 4pm yesterday, I looked into the livingroom and saw this:

Apparently, he found his sleeper. We debated on what to do, and finally decided to bring him to bed, although it was a few hours early. We figured best case, he needed the sleep because of the night before, and he would sleep all night. Worst case, we figured he would wake up really early in the morning, and Luis decided he would be ok with getting up with him. Of course, we didn't count on option C - waking up hungry at 8pm, and staying awake until midnight. Apparently he never got the memo that Saturday is Netflix movie date night. Ah, the joys of parenting. :o)

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