Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Getting our groove back

No, not like Stella. (Although...)

The first week after Mya was born was an absolute breeze. I had Luis and/or Mom here all day, every day to help me out. It was great. The second week, I guess I was still running on the adrenaline of my awesome homebirth, or I was extremely well rested, or something. Whatever it was, that week was a breeze as well. The third and fourth weeks, not so much. Blame it on hormones, stress, exhaustion, whatever - it was bad. I had no patience and snapped at the kids all the time, they were miserable and fought constantly, the fighting drove me up a wall, and I lost my non-existent patience, and snapped at them some more. It was not pretty.

I knew that the change would have to come from me, and I started brainstorming ways to make it better. I realized that when the boys get time to run around they are happier, so I do my best to bring them outside or something several days a week. The YMCA in town has a 'preschool playground' set up indoors for the winter, so I am getting the boys memberships so I can take them. I am also thinking about signing them up for some sort of class, but I just don't know what. The Y only has gymnastics (which seems so lame to me) and swimming (the boys will not go in a pool, plus there has to be an adult with each child in the water) for their ages. If I can't think of something better, I may just have to do the gymnastics.

I also realized that I am happier when I do some of my own things. Time is a concern, but oddly enough I think this whole NaNo thing has helped me realize that if I make myself, I will find the time. Not only have I stayed on track with the writing, but I have recently finished several items for my Etsy, and updated the store. There is more to come soon. This weekend we gave the entire house a deep cleaning, and I am loving it. I have also found other small things to do to help me maintain my sanity. We brought a radio into the kitchen, and I have it on for much of the day, I love listening to music. I have also started shutting and locking the bathroom door when I go in (*gasp*) and it is so nice to have some time to myself!

It seems as though we have finally found our groove as a family of five. I'm starting to feel like we might actually survive these next few years until we see Luis again. :o)

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