Monday, November 3, 2008


Our Halloween celebrating began, as usual, with the traditional Halloween cake. I am not sure when (or how, or why) this tradition began, as I was not in the room for the singing and candle lighting, but I am told that I am now obligated to buy one every year. Funny, I always thought Panetone was a Christmas thing, but what do I know?

Early in the evening, the boys and I gave out candy to the kids who came knocking. The boys were so excited every time new kids came, and in between visitors they would plan which pieces to give out next. Nana came home early to spend Halloween with us. Once she was there, the kids and I went trick-or-treating around the block. We had Barry B. Benson, a cute grey bunny, and a red-hot chili pepper.

When we came home, it was time to go through the stash, and the boys wasted no time.

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