Friday, September 28, 2007

Guess where we went tonight??

Tonight we had a very fun errand to run (more about that later...) and as I was getting directions, I noticed that we would be very close to someplace that I have been wanting to go for a long time. So we decided to make a detour on our way. I will give you a clue:

Can you guess where we went? If so, are you jealous yet?? If you still don't know, I will show you:

We went to DP Dough!!! I was so excited, I don't know if I was more excited about stopping for DP Dough, or about the kittens we were on our way to see...oops! Well, I guess I let the cat out of the bag! (that one was for Grampa)

I have been really upset about the fact that we had to give away our kitty Noah to go work for that crazy lady in Milton last year. He was such a sweet cat, and Taye really liked him. Plus, you may know that I like cats (and dogs, and hamsters...) More recently, I have been talking to Rue about Andrew's kitten, and it made me really really want one. So basically, blame Rue :o)

Luis and I talked about it, and decided to get a kitten. Today I found a lady who had four to give away, and we went to see them. It was a pretty long ride, and we couldn't find her house, and I kept losing cell phone service when I tried to call her and ask for help getting there. So it was frustrating, but we made it.

The kittens were all eating when we got there, and the boys just loved them. We finally chose the one boy kitty, and decided to take him home. The lady had twin 4 year olds, and she had them say goodbye to 'Snickers'. They seemed fine, but as we were getting in the car, her little girl started crying - I felt so bad! That would have been me too, I didn't know what to do, but they just went back in the house while we buckled the boys. I know if we hadn't taken him someone else would have, but I still feel so bad.

Luis sat in back with the boys and the kitten. The kitten realy liked to explore, and got down on the floor at one point. After a few minutes, Luis picked him up, and we realized that he was pooping! In the car! (we did forget to remind him to go potty before we left.) Luckily for us, our car is a mess, so he went on a piece of paper. Luis picked the paper up, and tossed the poop out Taye's window. About ten seconds later, Taye started wailing - "Kitty!! Kitty!!" He thought Luis threw the kitten out the window!! Luis quickly gave him the kitten, and we reasurred him it was all right, and Taye was happy again. I know its sick, but I couldn't stop laughing about that, the poor kid is going to be traumatized for life. He is already traumatized from the time his balloon flew out the window. Now every time he sees the part in Shrek where he and Fiona let their balloons go, he yells "balloons! balloons!" and gets upset. I can only imagine how this experience will manifest itself.

So we (well mostly I) spent the ride home trying to come up with a name. The boys all just keep calling him 'kitty' but I hate when people actually name their cats 'kitty.' I would come up with one I liked, and ask Taye if he liked it. He never answered. After about an hour, I was totally over it. I started to think about how we have a Cookie Monster already, and asked Taye if he wanted to name the kitty Grover (he's my favorite). Taye said, "Yup!" I admit I don't totally love it, and we may come up with something better, but for now meet our new kitty, Grover (these pictures don't do him justice):

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