Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Kissapalooza 2007

We have been having a total lovefest at our house in the last couple of weeks. Taye has miraculously started giving kisses. I try not to abuse the priviledge, but I am loving it. I think the fact he held off for so long just makes it that much sweeter now.

The other night, Darius, Luis, and I were sitting on the couch and Darius was giving us both kisses. He was also eating a pretzel stick, so usually this is what his kisses looked like.

He even shared his pretzel with us, isn't that sweet?

Here is a nice one of Darius and Dada.

Darius seems to have fallen in love with Drue. The other day we were over there and he would just light up every time he saw her, and lean over to give her kisses. Jean took pictures, but I don't have them. If she sends them to me I'll post them on here.

The boys are both so kissy lately, they even give eachother kisses. Which is just so yummy.

Darius apparently thinks its funny!

Speaking of love, Jean told me the sweetest thing yesterday. She said that she and Luis were talking the other day, and somehow they started talking about luck. She said something to him about being lucky, and he said he is not lucky. She told him he's lucky he met me, and he said "That wasn't luck, I was waiting for her." He went on to say that he was waiting, and when he met me he just knew I was the one he was waiting for. She said he was completely serious, saying it like it was such an obvious fact. He is so sweet, I think I love him. That makes me want to kiss him right now!

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