Saturday, October 25, 2008


Several years ago, I learned about National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). The idea is to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. I thought it sounded like an awesome idea, but wasn't feeling up to the challenge that year. I bookmarked the page, thinking I would come back to it another year when I was feeling more prepared. You know, like in 20 years or so, when the kids are all grown and I have nothing better to do. Instead, I have decided to sign up and give it a shot this year. You know, since I have nothing better to do - what with the three kids under 4 years old, including a newborn, and the husband who is in school and work full time. So yeah, writing a novel should be a breeze. So now that you all know, you can yell at me if I start slacking. :o) Just keep an eye on that little calendar to the right. Green days are days I meet the minimum word count, and red days are the ones I don't. And if you're wondering, no - none of you can ever read my novel. Its not that I don't love each and every one of you, just that I hate when people read my writing (and yes, I do see the irony in that statement which I wrote and you are all now reading.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are you gonna write about? Do you already have a story? Is it totally fiction or based on something in your life?