Monday, February 4, 2008

In case you missed it...

I have alerted my best news-spreaders, but in case someone out there does not already know - we are having a baby! :o)

We just found out last night, actually during the Super Bowl. I had a feeling and took a test about halfway through the game. It was kind of like torture at that point, because Luis and Mom were watching the game together in the livingroom. I wanted to tell Luis first, so I had to wait until Mom left the room (at the end of the game, for ice cream and brownies - yum!) When she came back in, bummed that the Patriots lost, I was able to cheer her up with the news. It ended up being a good night.

As far as I know I am due in October, I would guess around the 9th. If you're wondering, no - I do not intend to hold on until my birthday if the 9th is in fact my due date! It seems as though this baby will be breaking the long-standing tradition of my babies being born on holidays. This baby will be coming during a holiday dry spell.

I will absolutely not be traveling down to Wellesley for my prenatal care again. I like my OB, but could honestly take or leave the rest of the practice. And I can't see doing that drive again with both boys. Mostly though, I just do not want another c-section! I have already scheduled an appointment for a couple of weeks from now at the Birth Cottage in New Hampshire. I found them when I was pregnant with Darius, and wished I was going there instead, but never switched. I am so excited to go there, I really believe that this time around I am going to be able to have the wonderful birth experience that I have been wanting. It honestly makes me giddy, I am just so excited.

Now sadly I know there are those out there who will question this decision, and if it is truly a wise one. I want to say from the start - I am not good with confrontation, and I doubt that I will be able to 'win' any argument about this decision, in other words, I don't think I will be able to change anyone's mind in the heat of the moment. I am not good at debate, and tend to lose track of my thoughts under pressure. However, I have done a lot of reading, discussing, and soul-searching about this. I hope that those who know me trust that I would never do something that I do not believe is safe, or the best choice for myself or my children. If anyone would like more information, I can certainly send along website and book recommendations. Also, I know the midwives at the Birth Cottage welcome anyone with their questions.

Now that thats out of the way - yay, new baby! I told the boys this morning, and Taye has mentioned the 'new baby at our house' off and on today. He kept talking about Diana's baby, and going back to Mamitita's house. Darius didn't say much. :o) Its going to be an adventure, thats for sure. I've heard from so many people that going from 2 to 3 is sooo difficult. It makes sense really, you have 2 arms, and 2 parents - with 3 kids you are a little outnumbered! It will be especially challenging since Luis will be working and going to school full time. So you could say I'm a little nervous, but mostly excited. I was a little nervous about Darius coming too, and thats going pretty well so far. :o)


Anonymous said...


Penny Lady said...

Amy, I am so happy...I know I already told you on the phone but I wanted to tell you here too. MAKE ME ANOTHER NEICE!!! LOL!!!!

As for anyone who would argue with you about your personal decisions...I'm sorry you have to deal with that. You are a very VERY loving mommy! I know you'd do what is best for your baby and your baby's mommy!

I am really excited you get a chance to have a baby the way you want! I really wanted to have a baby that way too...