Saturday, January 9, 2010

Catching up on December...

Yes, it's true...I am finally updating my blog. December was busy and full of knitting and making gifts, not leaving much time for blogging. On top of that, I've had some technical difficulties (my uploading program is not working, the dog chewed through the power cord for my laptop, and the battery needs to be replaced so it doesn't last more than a few minutes without being plugged in.) But here we go on a whirlwind tour of our Christmas preparations...

The first weekend in December, we got our Christmas tree. The place where we went had a fire burning next to their artificial pond. We walked around and then warmed ourselves by the fire while we discussed which tree to get. Taye was climbing around on the wall of the pond, and we warned him to be careful not to fall into the water or the fire. He told us that if he fell into the fire, he could jump into the water to put the fire out, and then stand next to the fire to dry off. At least we knew he had a plan.

We finally decided on a tree, and Mya and I walked in to pay while they loaded it onto the van. A man stopped me on the way in, and asked if he could buy our tree for us. He told me he likes to see young families out with kids, and that he tries to buy a tree for someone every year. It was really sweet of him, we couldn't thank him enough.

When we got home, we decorated. Compared to other years, everything went like a dream. The boys were very excited to put the angel on top, Mya liked helping with the ornaments, they even posed for the Christmas card.

Later that week, the kids and I traveled out to see Joe, Krissy, and Aine. We went to their town's tree lighting, and saw Santa arrive on his ATV. Out here that's how Santa rolls.

We had the first good snow of the season. "Good" being a relative term, of course. The boys couldn't wait to get out in it and play. They actually stayed out for quite a while. When Taye got cold (lying on your belly, eating snow, can do that do you) he went in with Luis and Mya. Darius and I stayed out and decided to check out the river in the woods.

And finally, since Joanine is gone and the rest of the Carey's couldn't get it together, we had our own gingerbread house party. We even won the contest.

After all that, we were ready for Christmas.

1 comment:

Penny Lady said...

That picture of the three of them in front of the tree is just about the best thing I've ever seen.

Can I have the full sized file? I'm trying to update frames to include Mya (AND DARIUS! Yes I am that far behind!)