Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Taye

Friday morning Darius informed me that we needed to have a pancake party since it wasn't time for Taye's party yet. It sounded like a good idea to me.

After we were all ready, we drove to the train station and rode into Boston to go to the Museum of Science. We walked over a bridge and saw one of the duck boats driving underneath.
Luis told Taye this was a lollipop, so Taye decided he must be a mouse.

We got off to a slow start in the museum, there wasn't a lot of hands on fun in the first few rooms. Once we made it into the dinosaur room, the fun began.
Daddy had fun too, he played blocks with Darius.
This was a big hit. He recorded himself talking into the tube and then he could play it back and hear himself. We all had fun with that.
My favorite picture of the day. We played shadow puppets with bird puppets on this screen.
Then it was time for fun with animal parts. Taye waving with his new pig arm:
and our little turtles:
The boys got to make butterflies and learn all about capillary action. Mostly they were making butterflies.

We thought about stopping by Quincy Market for dinner, but by the time we were done with the museum it took all our energy just to walk to the train station, switch trains at Government Center, ride about a million more stops, get in the car, hit the drive-thru, and drive an hour home. It was worth it. :o)

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