Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ranosco Christmas Celebration, Take 2

On Saturday we had a last-minute Christmas party with our previously mentioned BFF's. We figured since last week was so much fun, we should do it again. And, for that matter, why stop now? Why not have a Christmas party every weekend until Christmas?

We headed over to their house for a make-your-own-pizza dinner.

Jumping on the bed was a favorite activity (as no one was brave enough to attempt jumping on the couch...)

Olivia was so excited she lost her head. Eva and Darius helped her find it.

After a quick dinner, it was time to go see the lights! We somehow managed to find two parking spots together, and when we got out the first thing we saw was a carousel. I didn't remember seeing that in the past, and we were all excited to ride it. Tia and I nearly passed out from dizziness, but the kids loved it.
The lights had mysteriously turned off while we were waiting in line for the carousel, and they still were not back on when we got off. We asked about it, and the man at the carousel said he didn't know what was going on, but hopefully they would fix it soon. While we waited, we enjoyed the delicious hot chocolate Tia and Matt had brought.

It was good to the last drop.

We got the idea to have a group photo taken. The woman looked at us like we were a tad crazy (she must know us from somewhere) but took the picture anyway. I believe this is the first shot of all of us together.

This is the second. (It was so much fun that we bugged another lady later on.)

The lights finally came back on (which they were kind enough to announce over the loudspeaker. No joke. "Can we have your attention, please? The lights are now on." "WHAT?!? They are?!?!")

Taye and Olivia had a blast running around together.

Darius preferred to catch a ride on the Daddy Express, which was popular all night long.

Taye thought about it, but sadly he didn't have his pole.
The lights were as amazing as I remember from my childhood. I think I had just as much fun as the kids.

So...any suggestions for this weekend?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We can hit up the Christmas Train Ride in Florida... he he