Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Annual Ranosco Christmas Celebration

Sunday we had our annual Christmas celebration with our BFF's. Last year we had dinner and baked cookies, this year we decided to add Christmas trees to the festivities (wait 'til you see what we plan next year!) We met at Doe Orchards in Hahvid to cut our own Christmas trees. The kids ran around, beyond excited, while we got ourselves bundled and ready. At one point, Taye bumped into Olivia and knocked her over. A moment later, Darius went over, took her hand, and pulled her up. A lady walking by said, "That is the sweetest thing I have ever seen." I had to agree, it was very cute.

When we were ready, we had to walk down a long path past the apple trees.

Here are Tia and I in all our earthy-crunchy baby carrier glory. Now let me direct your attention to the two litte ones in the back corner. I am beginning to think we may have to keep an eye on them! :o)

We got to the end of the path and found the field of trees. The lady there offered the kids apples, and we stopped for a snack break.

While we were there, the kids auditioned for the next season of Kid Nation. They seemed to be able to take care of themselves pretty well. I know I wouldn't mess with them!

Poor Eva was not a happy camper.

Darius went over and worked some of his baby magic, which helped for a little while.

We all wandered through the trees in the blizzard (ok, flurries) until we found the perfect trees.

Then we put the daddies to work cutting them down.

Surrounded by a throng of fans, Matt dropped their tree in record time.

A moment later, our tree was down as well.
The daddies emerged victorious, dragging their prizes behind them.

Mya slept through all the excitement (she always does that!)
They had a tractor ride to bring us and our trees back down to the parking lot. The kids all loved that.
We got back to the parking lot, and loaded the trees onto our cars for the trip home.

As soon as we got back to the house, we set up the tree. Our plan was to then decorate it, but that plan got slightly derailed.

The kids (or at least Taye) decided that it seemed like a good time to open presents instead. There was a massive flurry of wrapping paper and goodies thrown all around the living room. I'm not quite sure anyone realized what they got until later, but the gifts seemed to be a hit all around.

When that order of business was finished, we got back to the decorating.

Olivia made us some decorations to add to the tree:
I also noticed some other creative decorations:
While all of this was going on, Tia managed to cook dinner, even while being harassed.
She made a delicious pasta dish. It was her version of my favorite Vinny Testa's dish, farfalle con pollo. Its basically pasta, chicken, broccoli, and tomatos in olive oil and garlic. It was just as good as the restaurant's, so yummy!
After dinner the kids played together while we cleaned up a bit. I noticed that these two were at it again...

The little camera was a popular toy. Olivia especially liked taking pictures with it, and she got some good ones.

When the cleaning was done, we announced that it was cookie-making time. The kids were so excited that they began jumping for joy (off the kitchen table).

As usual, I got to play Martha and direct the cookie baking. The kids really got into it, I think next year they'll completely take over and I'll have nothing to do!

They were even nice enough to help with licking the spoons and beaters.

After an agonizing 10 minutes of baking (including a minor wax paper fiasco) the cookies were ready for decorating. Finally!

Eva was very into the sprinkles. Really. Like, if they had been in a bigger container, she would have been in the sprinkles.

She did teach me though, that the only thing yummier than baby feet...

are baby feet, covered in sprinkles!

The finished products.

We all played for a little while longer, but sadly it was a work/school night, so we couldn't play too late. At the end of a long, and very fun day we all said goodbye:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was so good! I spent the whole time laughing :D I'm tempted to just copy and paste!!!!
I totally forgot that you got a video of that ! LOL