Monday, July 28, 2008

They're back...

(also titled "Eva's First Birthday Party - Take 1")

Tia and the girls are up visiting, and we were so excited to see them. We went to her mom's house on Saturday for Eva's birthday party. It didn't take long for the kids to start running around together, having fun.

This was one of Darius' birthday presents from the lovely ladies, it was a huge hit.

Here is the birthday girl, fresh from her beauty sleep (and looking more and more like her Daddy.)

The kids were full of giggles, as usual.

Taye shared his doll (well, Jesse anyway, certainly not Woody) with Olivia. She later returned the favor with one of her baby dolls. Taye liked to squeeze its belly and hear it say, "Dada!" At one point he brought it over to Luis and said, "This baby knows your name!"

After a while it was time for party hats:

and a yummy lunch:

and, I'm not exactly sure, but I think Olivia just figured out that Taye has cooties (or else she noticed a giant booger hanging out of Luis' nose - I'm not sure)...

After dinner, of course, came the dessert. There was so much delicious food to choose from. Eva was happy to sample most of it for us:

And after dessert, there were presents! They were for Eva, but try convincing the other kids of that:

We had fun, and can't wait for our other plans in the coming days...stay tuned!

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