Friday, October 23, 2009


Yes, I know. I can't believe it either. I have officially lost my mind. I must be crazy, what was I thinking? Have we got that out of our system? OK, then, moving on...

Meet Frog, or Frog the Dog as we like to call him. He is the result of months of debating about when to get a puppy/dog, combined with a visit from the paranoid schizophrenic, heavy drug & alcohol using, potentially violent, former resident of our house, which left me thinking a) call the locksmith, and b) maybe having a big dog around wouldn't be such a bad idea. :o) He is admittedly lacking on the "big" part, but he'll get there.

We found him through a rescue on Petfinder, and went to meet him (and his brother and sisters - he was the best of the bunch) today. While we were driving home, I asked the boys what they wanted to name him, and Frog was the first thing out of Taye's mouth. Darius immediately agreed, and it stuck. He is officially harder to photograph than Taye, but here are a few.


Penny Lane said...

I can't believe it!! Have you officially lost your mind!? You must be crazy!! What were you thinking!?

No, really...VERY CUTE!

Unschoolers Rock the Campground said...

So CUTE!!!

Anonymous said...

Oooohh he's so cute!