Saturday, March 1, 2008

Surprise Party

Last weekend, Tia threw a surprise party for Matt's birthday. It was a huge hit, and we had so much fun. There was a ton (literally - a whole ton, I mean the pig had to be half a ton in and of itself) of delicious food, music, and dancing. It was the first time I had seen Tia's family in years, and it was so nice to see everyone again. From the looks of it, everyone there was having a blast. It was definitely a much needed break from the long, dreary, boring winter.

Dancing fun:

I stole these next 2 from Tia, and I must have done something wrong because they didn't come out too great, but here they are. Darius cutting in on our dance:

Matt and Luis doing the famous guitar move - they are so cool.

This last one might not look much like dancing, but just watch the video of Taye below, and you will see that it is :o)

Luis spent much of the party playing paparazzi, taking pictures of everything. Here is Tia's cousin and her little girl, whom both of my boys were obsessed with (the baby, not Tia's cousin). Taye actually spotted her in the middle of dinner and got up to go give her a kiss.

Here is Olivia, who was very camera-shy :o)

And baby Eva, taking a brief rest.

And a nice one of Tia and I, with a guest appearance by Eva.

After a while, the celebrities caught on to his picture taking, and exacted some revenge:

After everyone had danced off the dinner, there was cake. And it was yummy. Olivia sang 'Happy Birthday' to her Daddy on the microphone, which was the cutest thing, and I just missed getting a video (its a really short song, you know). Notice Taye hovering around the cake in all these pictures. He kept trying to blow out the candles, but couldn't reach them. Fortunately that also meant he wasn't able to reach and take a bite out of the cakes either. Not that he would ever do that...

"Look - cake!"

", you gonna give me some of that cake already?"

"Yay! Cake!"

I wasn't sure how late the boys would want to stay, but when we all closed the place down at 11pm, the kids seemed to have more energy than anyone else. While everyone else was winding down, they were literally running circles around the dance floor.
I put some videos below, for some reason I can't load them into Blogger and post them the right way, so I have to put them one by one from YouTube. Enjoy!

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