Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Just when I thought I was done with homework...

I got the following e-mail from Penny the other day:

To inspire your blog block, I am going to ask you to do me a favor and answer me on your blog...JUST DO IT AND DON'T B**** ABOUT IT. (edited for the GP's benefit, I can't believe Penny would use such language, I certainly never would!)

Tell me in what ways your boys are similiar, in what ways are they the same, and how does this compliment them as brothers. How do you imagine them relating to each other as older kids or adults? I really do wanna know. I feel like I don't get to be with them enough to know their personalities yet...they can't tell me about themselves on the phone, so I have to rely on mommy. SO JUST DO IT!

Did anyone (besides Gramma) notice that she asked me how they are similar, and how they are the same? I just wanted to point that out, for informational purposes, though she did later send this:

I meant to say, in what ways are they similar, and in what ways are they different...ugh! I'm an IDIOT! (she said it, not me.)

I've decided to make myself do this, mostly because I'm afraid of Penny. I mean, I could easily take her in a physical fight (and her husband too - I've proven that). But I think she's just a little bit evil, and I don't want her to use any of that voo-doo, witch doctor, black magic stuff on me. Plus, I'm just really really bored.

In what ways are they similar? Well, they both have hair and eyes, ten fingers and toes, and boy parts. They're both short and noisy, and to be honest, lately I could say they're similar in every way since Darius copies everything Taye does. They're both very active, all day long (though I think Darius would tend to be more sedate if he didn't have his big brother's example to follow). "Fear" is not a word in their vocabulary, it is not uncommon to find them on top of the kitchen table, climbing up and down the stairs, and balancing on all sorts of precarious places. They are thrill seekers, and will ask to be thrown, spun, dangled, chased, and dropped endlessly. Endlessly. I once referred to them as "the brothers Knievel" and I think that is very fitting. They're both a little bit touched in the head (lets be honest, it runs in the family), and they both have a great sense of humor. They both make me laugh. They both have bad dreams and talk in their sleep. They each have exactly one freckle (Taye's is on his back, Darius' is on his neck, I just noticed it yesterday). They both love yogurt and cheese and "peppanini." They're both extremely ticklish, as in just think about tickling them and they laugh. They both think Daddy is the best trampoline in the world, and that any time he lies on the floor it is an invitation, nay - an order, to jump. They are both "Mama's boys" (can you blame them?) although they show it differently - more on that in the 'differences' section. They both love babies, and animals and Mack, and anything else tiny and cute. They are enjoyful to be around most of the time, although they have their challenging moments (and usually at the same time). I believe that they are happy little people, and lets not forget that they are absolutely the most gorgeous, truly delicious children in the world. For the most part I feel like most of their similarities are superficial, or based on something external - mostly likes and dislikes, not really personality traits. They are definitely two very different, distinct individuals.

"But Amy", you ask, "How are they different?" Well, Taye has black hair, and Darius' is brown. Taye's eyes are also a darker shade of brown than Darius'(my neighbor kids says they are "all pupil"). Taye is on the taller end of the spectrum for his age, and Darius is a peanut. Darius absolutely loves 'spagdadus' (asparagus to you) and Taye will not touch it. Taye is very much like me in how he relates to other people. He is sociable and likes to be with people, but after a while he can get overwhelmed. He needs quiet time to himself to regroup. Since he was about a year old he has been very content to play quietly by himself, sometimes to the point that I feel I am neglecting him, he can occupy himself for so long. Darius is Mr. Social, he absolutely eats up the attention that is inevitably showered on him. He sees no need for a break from his devoted following. He also does not like to play by himself very often, though he can entertain himself for considerably longer than he could even a few months ago. They show affection very differently. Darius is all about hugs (pretty much the best hugs ever) and kisses, and will give them to just about anyone who asks. Taye is very selective about who he will kiss/hug, and when - but he is a great snuggler. He takes frequent breaks from running around like a maniac all day to jump on my lap and snuggle in. His new thing is to curl up next to me at bedtime and command, "hold me!" They can both definitely make their feelings known when they are upset - though Taye is usually a "that is not what I planned, how many times do I have to tell you people!" type reactor, and Darius is more of a "I hate you, you have ruined my life, I am enraged!" type. He truly has a temper like nothing I have ever seen in such a little person. I'm sure there are more differences, but these are the big ones that come to mind. And honestly, what do you want from me? This is the longest essay I have written in years, and I'm not even going to get credit for it!

I have no idea how any of this compliments them as brothers, but they haven't killed each other yet, so i guess thats a good sign. :o)

How do I imagine them relating to each other as older kids or adults? Um, I don't - they're not allowed to grow up! Honestly, I imagine they will have their rough moments like any siblings, but as adults I believe they will be close. After all, their parents are doing an amazing job raising happy, healthy, loved, well-adjusted, kind people - and who wouldn't get along with someone like that? :o)

So, Penny mentioned my "blog block" and I would like to share a little bit about that. I told Penny the other night that I have noticed my blog changed since I started giving the address out to people. I started it as a sort of journal to myself, and wrote all kinds of nonsense that was just for me (and someday my kids) to read. I find that for whatever reason I am not writing as much as I would if I were still the only one reading. I find myself overanalyzing every post, and trying to make them entertaining. I have not bothered to write in some little things because I figured they were not that interesting, or significant. It bothers me, and I have not completely decided yet, but its possible I may be making my blog private again to see if I can get back to its 'roots' if you will. Hopefully you will not be too sad if I do. I promise to start some sort of website to at least share pictures with you all if I do decide to close this down. :o)

1 comment:

Penny Lady said...

Amy...I am absolutely in love with you...madly in love! Can I trade Frank in for you? LOL

This is really great to read! And it made me put down my voo-doo dolls and needles! Good job! LOL

You know, those boys are a bit like Uncle Bum Bum (Frank) aren't they? I can just TELL Frank I am going to tickle him and he is already laughing and pleading for me to stop...and I haven't even touched him!

Also, I KID YOU NOT! The other day Frank and I were talking about how Emma and Jackie look so much alike, but one thing that is different for sure is how Emma has lighter brown eyes...and I told Frank..."It's like Jackie is all pupil"!!!! I REALLY DID!

If you made your blog private I would be sad, but I would also be really happy and really understanding that you need to do it to keep your blog true to it's original intent. Because, that is what is important.

And, I do give you a gold star! If you want I will mail it to you! A+!

Amy, I still can't get over how much I just freakin' love you! HOW COME I DIDN'T KNOW THIS BEFORE!?! LOL