Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Big 0-5

Two weeks ago (yes, it has been a while since I've updated) we celebrated Taye's birthday. We decided to have the party a week early, since Buppa and Valerie were visiting, and we wanted them to be able to join the fun. They came the night before, and not only were they fun to hang out with, but they were very helpful in the party preparations.

The kids kept Buppa busy, so he wouldn't be in the way while the rest of the grownups cleaned and got ready.

Taye decided long ago that he wanted a Mario party, so naturally we had to warp to the mushroom kingdom for the festivities.

We couldn't find any Mario piñatas, so we had to improvise. The store had a blank 'design your own piñata' which we bought, and with careful, detailed instruction from Taye, Daddy designed this piñata. He did an awesome job:

I thought the cake over for a long time, trying to figure out how to do it. After the Mack cake disaster, I wasn't even going to attempt to draw Mario with frosting! I finally decided to cheat, and make a Mario cake topper, then just do the background design in frosting. He loved it, so mission accomplished.
Somehow I didn't get a lot of pictures of the actual party. I guess we were too busy having fun. We set up a huge taco bar for lunch, with lots of different foods to choose from, we ate the cake, smashed the piñata, played outside in the last of the snow. All in all, a great time. Mya wasn't impressed, but the rest of us had a great time.

I can't believe I have a 5 year old. Happy Birthday Taye!

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