Thursday, October 29, 2009

Apple Fest '09

On Sunday we went to Apple Fest with Nana and Jim. I'll say at the start, that I feel like a bad mother because pretty much every picture here is of Taye. Darius was in a funk and didn't want to do anything, and Mya slept 90% of the time. So, it's not that I don't love them, it's just that they're boring. :o)

The first thing we saw when we escaped the crowded indoors was the giant inflatable slide. You may remember the photo-op from two years ago when Emma came with us. Taye jumped right in line. Somehow he went from this:

to this:

to this:

in the span of about 4 seconds. When he reached the bottom (by which time he had completely flipped over) he popped right up, and said "I'm OK!" before anyone could even ask. A mother standing next to us seemed very relieved, we knew he was fine before he could even speak. He's Taye.

We walked around and checked out the outside vendors. Taye, Luis, and I all played a ring toss game at the Hannaford's booth, and "won" pity-prizes. We found the pony rides at the other side of the park. Somehow we avoided a line, and Taye got right on. If only we had thought to bring his cowboy hat.

We stopped to watch Juggling John juggle some fire, how could we resist?

After some more wandering, and an all-apple snack break (cider donuts, apple turnovers, and cider - yum), we met back up with Nana and Jim for the skyride. Darius was excited about that, but since he rode with Nana and Jim, I don't have any pictures of him on the ride either. The view from the top was amazing, but the real entertainment was in watching Taye.

He was completely beside himself excited the entire time. We would point something out - "Look at the water, Taye!" and he would start laughing and yelling, "WATER!! hahaha LOOK! MORE WATER!" At some point he noticed that some of the chairs coming down on the other side were empty. He asked us if there were invisible people riding on them. He apparently didn't believe us when we said no, because he started yelling, "HELLO INVISIBLE PEOPLE!!" every time one went by. Then, whenever we passed a chair with people in it, he yelled, "HELLO REGULAR PEOPLE!!" He also kept yelling, "HEY DARIUS, ARE YOU HAVING FUN?" to which Darius would yell "YEAH!" If he wasn't yelling, he was laughing. He brought a smile to everyone's face, Luis and I couldn't stop laughing.

At the bottom of the skyride they had a rock climbing set-up. Taye decided he wanted to try that too.

We all figured he would be at the top in under a minute, but he didn't quite get that far. More like this far:

That really was enough exictement for one day!

1 comment:

Penny Lane said...

Oh...I hope you guys had fun. I would have given just about anything to be there again. :o(