Thursday, January 10, 2008


A couple of times this week the boys have seemed to need a break.  Well, to be honest, more than a couple of times.  One time we decided to bring them to a nice park in town.  They have soccer fields, a playground, and a small zoo.  And this path, which is where Luis and I had our first kiss :o)

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It was pretty early in the day, so we had the place to ourselves.  The boys had fun running around for a while.  We think they liked seeing the grass and trees, which you don't see here normally.  When we left, Taye talked about seeing the trees again.

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I particularly liked this which we saw on our way out - the open door marked "danger of death" - at the playground.

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Another day we were headed out for lunch, when Luis thought of a restaurant that the boys would like.  It had a play space in it like the McDonalds ones at home.  We invited his mom to join us and headed out.  The boys didn't seem interested at first, but eventually they jumped right in.  The play space was on the third floor, and had floor to ceiling window that the kids could see out of.  It was pretty cool.

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Speaking of danger at the playground - how about sticking a knife through the net?

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Or climbing the outside of the twisty slide?

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It was a nice time, even Dada got in on the fun.

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These circle openings were too high up for the boys to get through by themselves, which was kind of a pain, but they did make for cute photos.

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1 comment:

babygirlhoarder said...

That last Darius picture is so beautiful! I love that face he's making :)
I'm laughing about the peligro sign!! Hahaha! And romantic!! It must be so fun and cool for both of you to visit these places with your 2 little babies! For Luis to share the things he did and places he visited as a child with his own children. And to be back at the first kiss place... I've heard about these places but never seen pictures!