Sunday, January 20, 2008

Having fun again

So the first few days after we were sent back to Peru were terrible, no doubt. By Friday we were resigned to the waiting game. No more dead ends to pursue, nothing open all weekend, nothing to do but enjoy ourselves. We spent a couple of relaxing, uneventful days at the house before boredom struck. Luis decided to take us to the mall in Lima. Malls are a very new thing in Peru, and let me tell you, for entertainment value they put our malls to shame.

This one had a petting zoo, rides, even bumper cars! The petting zoo was free, but the rides were actually more expensive than Chuck E. Cheese. Luckily for us, our kids don't seem to mind whether we actually put money in them or not, they just like to climb up and pretend they are 'driving.' We did spring for the bumper cars though. :o) Luis and I had a blast, but the boys were surprisingly unimpressed.

Peru 632

Peru 633

Darius wasn't so sure about these cows, but since Daddy was helping him, he figured he would give them a chance.

Peru 634

Peru 635

In the end, he thought they were very funny!

Peru 661

Peru 638

Peru 641

Peru 666

Peru 673

On the way out, we stopped to sit for a while near the water fountain. Darius, who we cannot get to bathe at home, apparently thought this would be a good place for some washing up. I am sure the other people around us were as amused as we were (the mall is in a *very* upscale, snooty part of Lima - haha).

I can't get the video to load on here for some reason, nor will it link from YouTube, so you'll have to click here to see it:

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