Thursday, February 18, 2010

This kid...

is just non-stop. Running, jumping, climbing, web-slinging, laughing, running, fighting, pretending, talking, running...

I like him. I really like him. One night recently, I was leaving their room after putting them to bed. When I was at the door, he said, "Mama, do you know that sometimes I just love you so much?" Ditto, kid.

Apparently Darius just isn't cutting it as a playmate anymore. Taye created a new friend for himself:

A couple of weeks ago, we all had a cold. The kids all had nasty coughs to go along with it. The other day, Taye was coughing, and we had the following conversation:
Me: Hey, stop coughing!
Taye: I can't because I'm very sick.
Me: Well, stop being sick!
Taye: I don't know why I'm so sick. Hey - maybe I should stop eating my boogers!
It's a theory.

1 comment:

Unschoolers Rock the Campground said...

Did your heart just melt when he said that? About the love, I mean... not the boogers. Mine did, and I wasn't even there :)
He is an awesome kid. And smart, too. That booger theory sounds spot on.