Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Birthday

Today is Luis' birthday, for those who may not know. Despite what he may tell you, he is 33 years old today. I think thats kind of cool, because for some reason 26 and 33 have been two of my favorite numbers for a long time, and now they are our ages. I am happy to get to be the first one to wish him a happy birthday. I have the advantage of living with him, and being woken up by him when he gets home just after midnight, so don't feel too bad if I beat you to it. :o)

Luis and I joke around a lot (a real lot) and give each other a hard time. It is who we are, and how we have always been. We've had people comment about it before, that it seems like we are being nasty or fighting, but we have never seen it that way. We know that every little thing we do comes from love, no matter how it may seem to others. I can't describe how amazing it feels to have found someone who 'gets' me so well, in fact often better than I do myself! I won't gush on about Luis too much, those who know him know that he is amazing (and to those strangers just dropping by - I'm sorry you don't know him!) The fact is that I am extremely blessed to have found him, and even more so to have him as my husband. He is an amazing, strong, infintely loving, funny, thoughtful, hard working, old man. (oops - did I type that out loud?)

Lucho, I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I hope this message brings a smile to your face, and embarasses you, at least a little (you know how I love to do that, my future Commonwealth Scholar). You bring me joy every day, thank you for all that you have brought to my life.

Happy Birthday, babe! I love you!


Unschoolers Rock the Campground said...

Amy, I am giving you the tree of happiness award. Tell us 6 things that make you happy and then pass it on.
You can get the picture on my blog.

Anonymous said...

How spectacularly sappy and beautiful :)