Sunday, November 23, 2008

So Much Fun

Thursday afternoon Tia and the lovely ladies came over to play. The kids were all so excited to play together.

I couldn't believe how big Eva had gotten. I don't mind admitting that she is at one of my absolute favorite stages, and I had so much fun playing with her.

They all stood still long enough to eat some lunch.

Story time with Tia was a popular activity.

When Tia saw Darius' "cheese" face, she thought it looked familiar:

Mya got lots of love. Here she is with her (very young) parents - now you all know the truth, we can't hide it any longer.

I love this shot.

It was so awesome to have them over for the day. Tia and I talk all the time about how much we love seeing the kids together. They always play together so nicely, and have so much fun. Its funny because way back before we were even married, we used to talk about how much fun it would be to have our kids together, and how cute they would all be. We were right!

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