Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Darius!

Saturday, my superhero husband got up early while the boys and I not only slept in, but then watched a movie in my room. Well, ok, they watched the movie while I dozed some more (honestly, how many times do you expect me to watch Cars?) By the time we got up, the porch and living room were immaculate, the kitchen was well on its way, and I am sure there were dozens of other small feats accomplished that I cannot remember. We spent much of the rest of the day preparing for the party, and for the first time in the history of our birthday parties, I made it to bed before 3am (way before - by 11:30!) It was awesome. From now on we are definitely having parties on Sundays!

When they woke up on Sunday, the boys were both excited to see the balloons in the windows, and the cute (if I do say so myself) ladybug cake.

The party guests arrived right on time, and we quickly got down to the business of, well - partying. After everyone finished eating lunch, there were calls for cake (actually there were calls before everyone was even finished.)

Taye got really into the cake.

From there we moved right on to the water fight.

Of course, as you know, the water guns were for drinking.

I'm not exactly sure what was being said here, but I believe it was, "Oh no you didn't!" or something along those lines.

When the water fight started to get a little ugly, we brought out the pinata. Darius started off with his slightly unorthodox upside-down bat swing. After he finished his turn, we went through the usual list of characters. Everyone got a turn, and then...

we brough in 'The Punisher.' She took her role very seriously, and wasted no time destroying the pinata, and showering us all with candy. Just look at that concentration.

Everyone seemed to be sufficiently loaded up with candy by the time it was all over. The party pretty much ended as soon as the last piece was collected. Just the way I like it - load 'em up on caffeinated cake (did I mention it had coffee in it?) and candy and then send 'em home.

After the rest of the rabble left, Darius opened his gifts from Mom and Jim. Taye thought he would help out. They opened toy dishes and play food. In a couple of weeks, Darius will be getting the toy stove from this set (which I love). I can't wait.

I can't really speak for Darius, but I think he had a good time and a happy birthday.

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