Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Quite a while ago, I was sitting with both boys on my lap. It was abundantly clear to me that Darius was in need of a diaper change. So I asked him, "Darius, do you have a poop?" "No poop!" he told me. "I don't really believe you, I think you're stinky," I said. "No poop!" he said again, then turned to Taye, "Taye? Have poop?" Nice try, kiddo.

Earlier tonight I was listening to some music and, naturally, I was singing along. I was in the middle of "I'm Every Woman" by Whitney Houston. I was, of course, doing an amazing job of it, as like most people, I have the capability to sing within Whitney's range. As I was busting into the chorus, Taye stopped playing and came over to ask, "Whats the matter Mama?" As if I were somehow acting injured. It must have been the chair-dancing, it certainly couldn't have been my singing - I was in Treble Choir, after all. (That still makes me laugh and laugh.)

There is a commercial on TV where people are shouting out their windows, "Its my money, and I need it now!" Taye has taken to copying the slogan and shouting it around the house. Darius has got it down now, but when he first started copying Taye he would say, "My Mama, need it now!" :o)

The boys were pretending to drive a "car" (aka pillow) to "work" and they were shouting their goodbyes to me. I yelled over, "Goodbye, I love you!" Taye replied, "I love (me:holding my breath in anticipation) me too!" Punk.

We were at WalMart the other day, walking around the toy section and every time Taye saw a toy he liked, he would say, "we're not getting that car today, sorry." "We're not getting that truck today, sorry." LOL, think he hears that a lot?

1 comment:

Penny Lady said...

HOLY CRAPOLA! Are you serious!?! Emma did that too!

"It's MY money and I need it NOW!" Over and over, we shout it at each other at the top of our lungs almsot everyday!