Monday, November 12, 2007


In all my messageboard reading I learned the other day that cake dye is actually better than Kool-Aid for dyeing playsilks. Which could only mean one thing - I had to go to Michaels to get some! As luck would have it, I got a coupon for 25% off my entire Michaels purchase, which of course meant I had to get more than just some stupid cake dyes. (Its logic people.)

So I got the dyes (free, thanks to the coupon) and some tempura paints because I have a special painting project in mind and we had no paint. I got some more pipe cleaners, which we have so much fun with, and which I was planning to get for Christmas anyway. I got a couple small things to give our nieces and nephews in Peru, and Taye picked out a little wooden model truck. They had several different ones to choose from, and they were only $1 each. While Darius was napping, we put it together. Taye did most of the work, of course.

Carefully glueing it all together:

Testing out his workmanship:

The finished product:

Time for a paint job:

We had so much fun together. I'm thinking for $1 we may have to pick up a few more. :o)

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