Friday, June 1, 2007

We have a walker!

Darius has started walking a lot more lately. He took his first steps a few weeks ago, but now he's really getting into it. He will wak from me to Luis and back again. Usually he gets so excited after a few tries that he will start forgetting to balance and lunge toward us instead. You can see how proud of himself he is. He laughs the whole time, and has such a look on his face. I just know in a few more weeks he will be getting into mischief with his big brother. He is already able to do so much, it amazes me. Today he scooted over to the Cozy Coupe on the porch, opened the door, pulled himself up, and got inside. I couldn't believe it (he couldn't either!) He just kept looking at me, and laughing. He is so fun to watch, and psst...don't tell, but he has taken a 90 minute nap twice this week. I know I just jinxed it now, but it has been so nice, and he seems much happier now that he is getting a proper nap. Taye did the same thing at about the same age.

We spent this past weekend at the Kreams with the dogs. It was a nice weekend. I don't know what it is about their house (maybe the lighting from all their windows) but I always get such nice pictures of the boys when we're there. Here are a few of my favorites from this weekend.

Taye completely passed out Sunday night. He slept from 4:30, until 6:30 Monday morning. I guess staying up until after midnight Friday night really wears a boy out!

This picture is just too delicious for words.

Taye's new favorite game, he does this at home too.

This one makes me mad at my camera. Doesn't it know how IMPOSSIBLE it was to get both boys looking at the same time, and to keep them from trying to escape (and fall off the window seat in the process?!?!) WHat the heck is this focused on? Not my boys, thats for sure!

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