Friday, July 27, 2007


I haven't written in a long time, I am a total slacker when it comes to getting my pictures onto the computer. I have been wanting to write about what we've been up to, but its no fun without the pictures!

Joshua from next door has been coming over almost every night. He stands and talks to Taye through the screen of the porch until we tell him to come in. The other night I told him he could come in, and he said "I figured you were gonna say that." Well, duh, just come in already! It cracks me up that he has so much fun playing with Taye. Andrew is always nice to the boys, but has little interest in actually playing with them. Usually on the porch they will play bumper cars/bikes.

The other night Joshua (aka Dofuwa) managed to fit himself into the cars.

Apparently the Step 2 is roomier than the Little Tikes - who knew?

He will also come over when we're in the backyard. Last week we went out, and noticed four baby robins in the nest over the steps.

Every time we'd come out, the parents would fly out of the nest and fly from one spot in the yard to another, screeching at us the whole time. This particular day, we noticed they were flying around with their mouths full of worms. We kept everyone off the stairs for a while, and finally the daddy bird went over and fed the babies.

I think they have all left the nest now, I don't see any of them around any more. While we were out that day, daddy found a worm in the grass. Taye didn't want to touch it, but Darius loved it.

He even tried to share it with daddy.

The same night Luis and Joshua caught the tiniest frog I have ever seen. According to Joshua "Its an African tree frog, I don't know how it got over here."

I think everyone should know we have decided to change our last name to Knievel. The thought crossed our minds when Taye was little, but we didn't want to label all our children. But now, seeing them both, we figure it will probably be fitting for them all :o) Here is an example of their latest act.

OK, so I may have doctored that a little bit. He had some assistance, but only for the top half - he can get at least halfway by himself.

And here we get an idea of where they get it from.

I wish I knew how to string all those together to make it like a movie. I think Luis knows how, I'll make him teach me.

We have been having some plumbing issues lately, and mom wants to get the plumber in here. We need to have the walls up for the new bathroom so he can install the piping for the shower and move the ones for the sink. So, Luis is working on the the room this weekend, and I needed to clear out the laundry room and half the closet. It took me almost three hours to find new places for everything and clear it all out. So, I filled up several different containers of water and left them for the boys on the porch. Some had tub tints in them, some had bubbles. I filled different sized containers, and gave them plenty of different toys to play with. It worked for a very long time, daddy hates that game, but the boys and I love it!

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